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Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization

Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization
by Heinrich Zimmer; edited by Joseph Campbell

Table of Contents

Part I: Eternity and Time

  1. The Parade of Ants
  2. The Wheel of Rebirth
  3. The Wisdom of Life

Part II: The Mythology of Vishnu

  1. Vishnu's Maya
  2. The Waters of Existence
  3. The Waters of Non-Existence
  4. Maya in Indian Art

Part III: The Guardians of Life

  1. The Serpent, Supporter of Vishnu and the Buddha
  2. Divinities and their Vehicles
  3. The Serpent and the Bird
  4. Vishnu as Conqueror of the Serpent
  5. The Lotus
  6. The Elephant
  7. The Sacred Rivers

Part IV: The Cosmic Delight of Shiva

  1. The "Fundamental Form" and the "Playful Manifestations"
  2. The Phenomenon of Expanding Form
  3. Shiva-Shakti
  4. The Great Lord
  5. The Dance of Shiva
  6. The Face of Glory
  7. The Destroyer of Three Towns

Part V: The Goddess

  1. The Origin of The Goddess
  2. The Island of Jewels

Part VI: Conclusion

[This Table of Contents was originally posted to I may have omitted some of the scholarly apparatus from this table of contents, such as Acknowledgements, the Index, etc.]

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