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Myths of Light: Eastern Metaphors of the Eternal

Myths of Light: Eastern Metaphors of the Eternal
by Joseph Campbell

Table of Contents

Editor's Foreword

Introduction: The Humbling of Indra

Chapter I: The Birth of Brahman

  • Interpreting Oriental Myth
    • West and East
    • I and Thou
    • The Myth of the Lights
  • The Ever-Burning Sacrifice
    • The Vedas
    • The Face of Glory

Chapter II: The Jiva's Journey

  • The Mystical Tradition of India
    • Raja Yoga: The Serpent of the Cakras
    • Yoga of the Body, Mind, and Heart
  • The Round of Sorrow
    • Birth and Rebirth
    • The Horror
  • The World Soul
    • Maya
    • Destroyers and Creators
  • The Individual in Oriental Myth
    • The Mask and the Actor
    • Agents of the Eternal
  • The Imagery of Rebirth Yoga
    • The Journey to the Sun's Door
    • Hearing the Intermediate State: The Tibetan Book of the Dead
  • Creativity in Oriental Myth
    • Avatars of Light: Indian Art
    • Light and Dark: East Asian Art

Chapter III: Vessels to the Farther Shore

  • Jainism: The Path of Withdrawal
  • Hinduism: The Pursuit and Escape of Dharma
    • Impersonal Divinity
    • Dharma and Sat
    • The Stages of Life
  • Buddhism: The Flower of the World
    • The Life of the Buddha
    • Ferryboats

Envoy: The Tiger in the Depths

  • The Cry of the Buddha Child
  • The Tigers and the Goats

[This Table of Contents was originally posted to I may have omitted some of the scholarly apparatus from this table of contents, such as Acknowledgements, the Index, etc.]

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