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Mythic Worlds, Modern Words: On the Art of James Joyce

Mythic Worlds, Modern Words: On the Art of James Joyce
by Joseph Campbell

Table of Contents

Note: I have omitted some of the scholarly apparatus from this table of contents, such as Acknowledgements, the Index, etc.

Editor's Foreword

Texts of James Joyce

James Joyce: (1882-1941): An Obituary Notice [by Joseph Campbell]


Chapter I: Introduction

  • Affect Images
  • Wings of Art
  • Consubstantial Metamorphoses
  • Joyce and the Jungian Unconscious
  • Joyce's Dantean Model

Chapter II: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

  • Esthetic Arrest
  • A Portrait

Chapter III: Ulysses

  • Introduction
    • The Waste Land
    • Ulysses and the Odyssey
    • The Odyssey of Initiation
  • The Telemachus Chapters
    • Telemachus
    • Nestor
    • Proteus
  • The Odysseus Chapters
    • Introduction
    • Calypso
    • Lotus-Easters
    • Hades
    • Aeolus
    • Lestrygonians
    • Scylla and Charybdis
    • The Wandering Rocks
    • Sirens
    • Cyclops
    • Nausicaa
    • Oxen of the Sun
    • Circe
  • The Telemachus, Odysseus, and Penelope Chapters
    • Eumaeus
    • Ithaca
    • Penelope

Chapter IV: Finnegans Wake

  • Introduction
    • Approaching the Wake
    • Archetypal Opposition
    • the Dream
    • The Hereweareagain Gaieties
    • Finnegan's Fall
  • The Wake
    • Book I
    • Book II
    • Book III
    • Book IV
    • Emerging from the Wake
    • Finnegan the Wake


Chapter V: The Skin of Whose Teeth?

    Part I:

        The Strange Case of Mr. Wilder's New Play and Finnegan's Wake

    Part II:

        The Intention Behind the Deed

Two Accounts: Editor's Afterword


Chapter VI: Dialogues

[This Table of Contents was originally posted to I may have omitted some of the scholarly apparatus from this table of contents, such as Acknowledgements, the Index, etc.]

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