The Mystic Vision: Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks: Vol. 6
edited by Joseph Campbell
Table of Contents
Note: I have removed all scholarly apparatus from this table of contents, such as appendices, biographical notes, etc.
Editor's Foreword
Boris Vysheslawzeff: Two Ways of Redemption: Redemption as a Solution of the Tragic Contradiction [1936]
Wilhelm Koppers: On the Origin of the Mysteries in the Light of Ethnology and Indology [1944]
- Introduction
- Tribal Initiations and Secret Leagues among Primitive Peoples
- The Tierra del Fuegians Throw New Light on the Subject
- Our Question in the Light of Indological Research
Summation and Conclusion
Heinrich Zimmer: The Indian World Mother [1938]
Erwin Rousselle: Dragon and Mare, Figures of Primordial Chinese Mythology [1934]
- The Dragon
- The Mare
Ernesto Buonaiuti: Christ and St. Paul [1940]
- Christology and Ecclesiology in St. Paul [1941]
- Symbols and Rites in the Religious Life of Certain Monastic Orders [1934/1935]
- The Symbols
- The Rites
- The Exercitia of St. Ignatius Loyola [1935]
- Gnostic Initiation and Christian Antiquity [1935]
Gilles Quispel: Gnostic Man: The Doctrine of Basilides [1948]
- Introduction
- The Frame: Platonist Philosophy
- Christian Influence
- The Inspiration of the System: The Gnostic Experience
Henri-Charles Puech: The Concept of Redemption in Manichaeism [1936]
- The Gnostic and Manichaean Notions of Redemption: The Problem of Evil in Manichaeism
- The Theoretical Foundations of Redemption: The Cosmological and the Anthropological Myth,
- The Realization and Practical Instruments of Redemption
Louis Massignon:
- Nature in Islamic Thought [1946]
- The Idea of the Spirit in Islam [1945]
Jean De Menasce: The Experience o f the Spirit in Christian Mysticism [1945]
Friedrich Heiler: The Madonna as Religious Symbol [1934]
Erich Neumann: Mystical Man [1948]
[This Table of Contents was originally posted to I may have omitted some of the scholarly apparatus from this table of contents, such as Acknowledgements, the Index, etc.]
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