Man and Transformation: Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks: Vol. 5
edited by Joseph Campbell
Table of Contents
Note: I have removed all scholarly apparatus from this table of contents, such as appendices, biographical notes, etc.
Editor's Foreword
Mircea Eliade: Mystery and Spiritual Regeneration in Extra-European Religions [1954]
- Australian Cosmology and Mythology
- The Karadjeri Initiation
- Mystery and Initiation
- "Men's Societies" and Secret Societies
- The Initiatic Meaning of Suffering
- The "Mysteries of the Woman"
- Secret Feminine Societies
- Engulfment by a Monster
- The Symbolism of Initiatic Death
Fritz Meier: The Transformation of Man in Mystical Islam [1954]
Henry Corbin: Divine Epiphany and Spiritual Birth in Ismailian Gnosis [1954]
- The Metamorphoses of Theophanic Visions
- Ebionite and Ismailian Adamology
- Hierarchies and Cycles: The Fundamental Angelology of Ismailism
- Imamology and Docetism
- The Eternal Imam
- The "Quest" of the Imam
Paul Tillich: The Importance of New Being for Christian Theology [1954]
Daisetz T. Suzuki: The Awakening of a New Consciousness in Zen [1954]
Ernst Benz: Theogony and the Transformation of Man in Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling [1954]
Lancelot Law Whyte: The Growth of Ideas [1954]
Jean Danielou: The Dove and the Darkness in Ancient Byzantine Mysticism [1954]
- The Wings of the Dove
- A Philosophy of Change
- The Dove and the Darkness
Adolf Portmann: Metamorphosis in Animals: The Transformations of the Individual and the Type [1954]
Heinrich Zimmer: Death and Rebirth in the Light of India [1939]
G. Van Der Leeuw: Immortality [1950]
[This Table of Contents was originally posted to I may have omitted some of the scholarly apparatus from this table of contents, such as Acknowledgements, the Index, etc.]
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