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Spirit and Nature: Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, Vol. 1

Spirit and Nature: Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, Vol. 1
edited by Joseph Campbell

Table of Contents

Note: I have removed all scholarly apparatus from this table of contents, such as appendices, biographical notes, etc.

Editor's Foreword

Preface, by Olga Froebe-Kapteyn

C. G. Jung: The Phenomenology of the Spirit in Fairy Tales [1945]


  1. Concerning the Word 'Spirit'
  2. Self-Representation of the Spirit in Dreams
  3. The Spirit in Fairy Tales
  4. Theriomorphic Spirit Symbolism in Fairy Tales
  5. Supplement
  6. Conclusion

C. Kerenyi: Apollo Epiphanies [1945]

  1. Prefatory Remarks
  2. Callimachus' Hymn to Apollo
  3. Aeschylus: The Eumenides 179-82

Walter Will: The History of the Spirit in Antiquity [1945]

  1. Introduction
  2. Philological Intermezzo
  3. The Spirit in the Pre-Socratic Philosophers
  4. Brief Note on Plato
  5. The First Academics and Xenocrates
  6. The Stoa and the Logos Spermatikos
  7. Rudimenta Romana
  8. Humanistic Arabesques

Max Pulver: The Experience of the Pneuma in Philo [1945]

Hugo Rahner: Earth Spirit and Divine Spirit in Patristic Theology [1945]

  1. The Earth Spirit
  2. The Divine Spirit

Fritz Meier: The Problem of Nature in the Esoteric Monism of Islam [1946]

  1. The Esoteric Attitude towards Theology
  2. Excursus: History of the Legend of the Blind Men and the Elephant
  3. Nasafi's Monism

Paul Masson-Oursel

  1. The Indian Conception of Psychology
  2. Indian Techniques of Salvation (1937)

Ernesto Buonaiti: Ecclesia Spiritualis [1937]

  1. The Iranian, Greek, and Biblical Precursors of the Spiritual Church
  2. The 'Eoclesia Spiritualia' through the Centuries
  3. Christian Mysticism as 'Ecclesia Spiritualis'

Werner Kaegi: The Transformation of the Spirit in the Renaissance [1946]

Friedrich Dessauer: Galileo and Newton: The Turning Point in Western Thought [1946]

Erwin Schrodinger The Spirit of Science [1946]

Adolf Portmann: Biology and the Phenomenon of the Spiritual (1946)

C. G. Jung: The Spirit of Psychology [1946]

  1. The Unconscious in Historical Perspective
  2. The Significance of the Unconscious in Psychology
  3. The Dissociability of the Psyche
  4. Instinct and Will
  5. Conscious and Unconscious
  6. The Unconscious as a Multiple Consciousness
  7. Patterns of Behavior and Archetypes
  8. General Considerations and Prospects

[This Table of Contents was originally posted to I may have omitted some of the scholarly apparatus from this table of contents, such as Acknowledgements, the Index, etc.]

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