You Are That (.org)
The resurrection of my late lamented website (mostly) on spiritual matters.

Saint Mickey D

Tian Hou Temple, Chiwan, Shekou, Shenzhen, China
(originally posted 10/31/2004)

In front of the main image of Tian Hou, there is a table of offerings. Note the bowl with the arrow.

Now look at the closeup:

In recent friendly arguments over nationalism, etc., several of my buddies have repeatedly mentioned McDonalds as one of the creeping scourges that Amerika has unleashed on the world. No nationalist I, I have stated repeatedly that, for better or worse, American culture has irrevocably changed the world we live in, whether you think of Hollywood movies; rock, R & B, or jazz; or, yes, even the very idea of fast food. To see the Apple Pie presented as an offering to an ancient Chinese goddess, though, caught even me by surprise.

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