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Myths to Live By

Myths to Live By
by Joseph Campbell

Table of Contents

Foreword by Johnson E. Fairchild


  1. The Impact of Science on Myth
  2. The Emergence of Mankind
  3. The Importance of Rites
  4. The Separation of East and West
  5. The Confrontation of East and West in Religion
  6. The Inspiration of Oriental Art
  7. Zen
  8. The Mythology of Love
  9. Mythologies of War and Peace
  10. Schizophrenia -- the Inward Journey
  11. The Moon Walk -- the Outward Journey
  12. Envoy: No More Horizons

[This Table of Contents was originally posted to I may have omitted some of the scholarly apparatus from this table of contents, such as Acknowledgements, the Index, etc.]

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