Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth: Video and Audio Versions
by Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers
See the Print Versions
Table of Contents
From the Back Cover: An exhilarating journey into the mind and spirit of a remarkable man, a legendary teacher, and a masterful storyteller, conducted by TV journalist Bill Moyers in the acclaimed PBS series.
Episode 1: The Hero's Adventure
The heroes of all time; Bill Moyers introduction ("We dance."); The hero with a thousand faces; Initiation ritual; Celtic myths; Vietnam War; Prometheus -- The fire theft; Monster slaying; Moses -- Buddha -- Christ; Mohammed; Transformation of consciousness; Campbell's childhood heroes; Mythology of the dragon; Carl Gustav Jung; The soul's high adventure; A quiet place in yourself; What is consciousness?; Chartres Cathedral; A mythology of the planet
From Wikipedia: About Campbell, hero types, hero deeds, Jesus Christ, the Buddha, Krishna, movie heroes, Star Wars as a metaphor, an Iroquois story: the refusal of suitors, dragons, dreams and Jungian psychology, "follow your bliss," consciousness in plants, Gaia, Chartres cathedral, spirituality vs. economics, emerging myths, "Earthrise" as a symbol.
Episode 2: The Message of the Myth
Creation stories; Bill Moyers introduction (Commonality of myth); Why myth?; An experience of being alive; About God; Shiva cave at Elephanta; The Garden of Paradise; Creation myths; The divine presence; The one forbidden thing; Burmese snake priestess; Woman the temptress; Eternity; The bodhisattva; James Joyce; Samurai story; Metaphor; The Thomas Gospel and Buddhism; The Upanishads; Vices and virtues; Star Wars; Eisenhower and computer; Functions of myth; A story of Indra; Sat Chit Ananda
From Wikipedia: Creation myths, transcending duality, pairs of opposites, God vs. Nature, sin, morality, participation in sorrow, the Gospel of Thomas, Old Time Religion, computers, religion as "software," the story of Indra: "What a great boy am I!," participation in society.
Episode 3: The First Storytellers
Animals and hunters; Bill Moyers introduction (Animals; cracking the nut); What our souls owe to ancient myth; Myths that have helped Campbell in his life; Early mythological thinking; Pre-historic gravesites; The hunters; The bear sacrifice of the Ainu; The Pacific Northwest; The story of the Buffalo's Wife; The slaughter of the buffalo; The caves of Lascaux; Chartres Cathedral; The initiation of boys into the hunt; Australian aboriginal rites; The Pygmies' initiation rites; Female rites; A society without mythology; Transforming myths; Artists and writers keep the myth alive; The shamans; Bushmen in trance; Black Elk speaks
From Wikipedia: Animal memories, harmonization with body and life-cycle, consciousness vs. its vehicle, killing for food, story: "The Buffalo's Wife," buffalo massacre, initiation ritual, rituals diminishing, crime increasing, artists, the Shaman, the center of the world.
Episode 4: Sacrifice and Bliss
Chief Seattle's speech; Bill Moyers introduction; A sacred place; The Bushmen -- hunters and gatherers; From hunting to planting; An Algonquin story; A Polynesian story; New Guinea ritual ; The sacrifice of the mass; The two trees in the Garden; The sacrificial ballgame of the Mayan; The Iroquois sacrifice; The Jesus dance; The lord of death is the lord of sex; The head hunt of Indonesia; Schopenhauer -- the sacrifice of oneself for the other; The sacrifice of motherhood; Marriage -- sacrifice to the relationship; About death; The message of the myth; Sir Gawain and the Green Knight; Nietzsche -- The three transformations of the spirit; To follow your bliss; The wheel of fortune; Sat Chit Ananda
From Wikipedia: Chief Seattle, the sacred Earth, agricultural renewal, human sacrifice, sacrifice of the Mass, transcendence of death, story: "The Green Knight," societal dictates vs. following bliss, "hidden hands" guiding life's work.
Episode 5: Love and the Goddess
Courtly love; Bill Moyers introduction ; The troubadors; Love as Eros; Agape -- Christian love; Traditional marriage; Tristan and Isolde; Libido over credo; The Holy Grail; God is love; Satan's fall; Love your enemies; Tibet; Abelard; The Goddess; The Mother Goddess; A Vedic story; Our mother; Warrior Gods; The Virgin Mother; Kundalini; Isis and Osiris; Madonna and child; Male and female -- yin and yang; The inner reaches of outer space
From Wikipedia: The Troubadours, Eros, romantic love, Tristan, libido vs. credo, separation from love, Satan, loving your enemy, the Crucifixion as atonement, virgin birth, the story of Isis, Osiris and Horus, the Madonna, the Big Bang, the correlation between the earth or mother Goddess and images of fertility (the sacred feminine).
Episode 6: Masks of Eternity
The nature of God; Bill Moyers introduction ; Participation in divinity; The experience of being alive; In the East gods are elemental; About Jesus; Do you believe in a personal God?; What is religion?; Jung -- the circle; The pollen path of the Navajo; Tibetan sand mandala; Archetypes of the unconscious; Elementary ideas; The Trickster; The image of God is your basic obstruction; Maslow -- peak experience; Joyce -- epiphanies; The sublime; The Buddhas -- peaceful and wrathful; The experience of the eternal; Schopenhauer -- The composed order of life; Follow your bliss; Shiva -- lord of the dance; Metaphors; AUM
From Wikipedia: Identifying with the infinite, the circle as a symbol, clowns and masks, epiphanies and James Joyce, artistic arrest, the monstrous as sublime, the dance of Shiva, that which is beyond words.
[This Table of Contents was originally posted to I may have omitted some of the scholarly apparatus from this table of contents, such as Acknowledgements, the Index, etc.]
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