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HAWM 2:3: Mythologies of the Primitive Planters: The Middle and Southern Americas

Historical Atlas of World Mythology:
Volume 2: The Way of the Seeded Earth
Part 3: Mythologies of the Primitive Planters: The Middle and Southern Americas
by Joseph Campbell

Table of Contents

Agricultural Developments in the Mesoamerican Matrix

      • Map 26: The Mesoamerican Agricultural Matrix
  • The Tide of History
  • The Olmec Enigma
      • Map 27: The Olmec World
      • Map 28: La Venta


Agricultural Rites and Myths of Middle America

  • Southwestern North America
    • The Desert Cultures
      • Map 29: The Desert Cultures
    • The Kiva
      • Map 30: Chaco Canyon
    • Cycles of the Sun and Moon
      • Map 31: Ancient Roadways in the North American Southwest
    • The Spirits of Life
  • Northwest Mexico: The Huichol
      • Map 32: Huichol Lands
    • The Land and Fruit of Eternal Life
    • Brother Deer and Mother Maize
    • The Story of Our Roots
      • Map 33: The American Voyages of Christopher Columbus
  • A New World Discovered and Divided
    • From the Journal of Christopher Columbus
    • The Papal Bull "Inter Cetera"
  • The Antilles
      • Map 34: The Early Inhabitants of the Antilles: Languages and Distribution
    • The Taino
      • The Exploits of the Four Twins of One Birth
    • The Arawak
    • The Carib

South American Agricultural Rites and Myths

      • Map 35: Culture Areas of South America
  • The South American Rain Forest
    • Watunna: A Cariban Creation Cycle from the Upper Orinoco
      • Map 36: The Orinoco River Valley
      • Cycle of the First Emanation
      • Cycle of the Second Emanation
      • Cycle of the Third Emanation
      • Cycle of the Twin Heroes
      • The End of the Mythological Age
      • Map 37: South American Rain Forest Tribes
  • The Desana Creation Myth
      • Map 38: Northwest Amazonia
      • The Sun Father's Intention
      • The Maternal Snake Canoe
      • The Daughter of the Sun
      • The Coming of Night
      • Supernaturals
      • The First Maloca
      • The Daughter of the Aracu Fish
      • The Great Flood
      • The First Death
      • Origin of the Yage Vine and Coca Plant
      • The Hallucinogenic Voyage
      • Sun Priest (Kumu) and Shaman (Paye)
      • The Animal Master: His Malocas in the Hills
    • The Yurupari Cult
    • Where Sacred Things Are Seen
  • The Pacific Coast
      • Map 39: Ancient Cultures of the South American
    • Pacific Coast
    • Valdivia (Ecuador) and the Old Pacific Culture
      • Map 40: Distribution of Varied Types of Sailing Crafts
      • Map 41: Pacific Ocean Currents and Small Craft Journeys
    • Ecuador As the American Formative Matrix
    • The Civilization and Despoliation of Peru
      • Map 42: Royal Roads of the Incas
      • Map 43: The Southern Americas: Languages and Distribution

[I may have omitted some of the scholarly apparatus from this table of contents, such as Acknowledgements, the Index, etc.]

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