Historical Atlas of World Mythology:
Volume 1: The Way of the Animal Powers
Part 1: Mythologies of the Primitive Hunters and Gatherers
by Joseph Campbell
Table of Contents
The Mythological Dimension
- "Let There Be Light!" (Genesis 1:1 to 2:4)
- Out of One, the Many (Bridhadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.1-5)
- Forbidden Fruit (A Bassari Legend, Togo)
- The Light Within (A Polynesian Chant, Society Islands)
- Song of the World (A Pima Legend, Arizona)
- "Let It Thus Be Done!" (The Popul Vuh, Guatemala)
The Living Ground
- The Universe, The Earth, and Earth's Life
- Map 01: End of Permian
- Map 02: End of Triassic
- Map 03: End of Jurassic
- Map 04: Mid-Cretaceous
- Map 05: Mid-Cenozoic
- The Primate Connection
- Men and Tools of the Old Stone Age
- Map 06: Distribution of Hand-Ax and Chopper Industries
The Awakening Awe
The Peopling of the Earth
- Africa and Eurasia
- Map 07: Hominization and Dispersal: c.3,800,000 to 7700 B.C.
- Cranial Capacity and Tool Manufacture
- A Locus for Eden
- Old Melanesia
- Map 08: Old Melanesia, c.20,000 B.C.
- The Fossilized Past
- The Americas
- Map 09: Paleolithic Industries: c.38,000 to 33,000 B.C.
- Map 10: Paleolithic Industries: c.26,000 to 24,000 B.C.
- Map 11: Paleolithic Industries: c.18,000 B.C.
- Map 12: Paleolithic Industries: c.1038,000 B.C.
- Map 13: The Presence of Early Man in the New World
- Map 14: Beringland c.80,000 to 7000 B.C.
- The Five Basic Races
- Map 15: Surviving Primitive Cultures
- Map 16: Shifts of the Human Subspecies: Pleistocene Epoch
- Map 17: Shifts of the Human Subspecies: Post-Pleistocene
- Map 18: Shifts of the Human Subspecies: c. A.D. 1492
Early Hunters of the Open Plains
- Map 19: Primary Burial and Rock Art Horizons
- The Recognition of Death
- Map 20: Neanderthal Sites: c.100,000 to 40,000 B.C.
- The Master Bear
- The Sentiment of Wonder
- The Temple Caves
- Map 21: Rock Art Sites in Southwestern Europe
- Symbols of the Female Power
- Map 22: Distribution of Venus Figurines
- The Shamans of the Caves
- Advent of the Bow and Arrow
- Culture Tides in Verdant Sahara
- Map 23: European and North African Rock Art Provinces
- The Bubalus Period, c.7000 to 4500 B.C.
- Period of the Round-Heads, from c.6000 B.C.
- The Bovidian or Pastoral Period, c.4000 to 1800 B.C.
- A Post-Bovidian Period of Egyptian Influences
- Map 24: North Africa and the Chariot Road
- The Chariot and Equestrian Periods, from c.1200 B.C.
- The Camel Period, from c.100 B.C. (?)
- South African Painted Rock Shrines
- Map 25: Southern Africa: Rock Art Sites
- The Bushman Trance Dance and Its Mythic Ground
Living Peoples of the Equatorial Forest
- Map 26: Local Foraging Tribes of the Old World Tropical Forests
- The Forest Song of the Pygmies
- Map 27: The Rain Forest Domain of the Pygmies
- Ancestral Caves of the Tasaday
- Map 28: Southeast Asia and Indonesia
- The Andaman Islanders
- Myths and Tales of the Andamanese
- In the Beginning
- The Wild-Pig Hunt
- Map 29: The Andamanese
- The Fire Theft
- The Catastrophe
- The Landscape Mythologized and the Origin of Death
[This Table of Contents was originally posted to YouAreThat.org. I may have omitted some of the scholarly apparatus from this table of contents, such as Acknowledgements, the Index, etc.]
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